how will you pay for long-term care?
7 out 10 Americans age 65+ will need some kind of long-term care.
And the chances of one member of a married couple (both aged 65 and up) needing long-term care is 91%.2
Now is a perfect time to help your clients prepare for a possible healthcare setback. Consider a strategy powered by ForeCare – a fixed annuity with LTC benefits.
Watch this video to learn more about long-term care and how ForeCare may help you.
Meet Clara and Wade: A long-term care strategy customer story
Clara and Wade are evaluating their options to pay for LTC should something happen. They are looking at their savings, their existing health insurance and traditional LTC insurance. But is there an alternative option?
If you are like Clara and Wade check out their story. – Get the Basics
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides a helpful perspective on the importance of planning ahead for long-term care. Get the basics on:
- What are the typical costs of long-term care?
- How to pay for long-term care?
- What does Medicare and Medicaid cover?
- How to plan in advance for long-term care?
Want to see how much more care you may get with ForeCare? Try the ForeCare fixed annuity calculator.