Free Constitutional Lecture

Date(s) - 01/27/2021
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Patriot Church

We are looking for a venue to host the free lecture below. If you know of a church or community center that would host this event at no charge, please contact me at: [email protected]   or  866-891-5651

Attend A  Free 3 hour crash course on:
“The Meaning of State’s Rights and How to Enforce Them” with:
Constitutional Attorney Jeff Cobble Esq. from Greeneville, TN

Seating is limited.
The three-part seminar will consist of the following topics:
1. Unalienable Rights
2. What is Government?
3. Using Nullification to enforce State’s rights

Notes from Mr. Cobble:
At the invitation of Tennessee State Senators Janice Bowling, Joey Hensley, Mark Pody, Shane Reeves, and Dawn White, along with Tennessee Representatives Clay Doggett, Bruce Griffey, and Mike Sparks, I previously presented Parts 1 and 2 at the Tennessee Conservatives Caucus on July 11 in Murfreesboro, TN, and it was very well received by the Senators, Representatives, and the several hundred in attendance.

At the invitation of Patriot’s Brigade of Tennessee, I previously presented Part 3 to six East Tennessee members of the General Assembly in a private setting on December 8, 2019, and it was very well received by them. Patriot’s Brigade feels that the information in these 3 parts needs to be assembled into one seminar and spread widely among the citizens of Tennessee, and in order to help accomplish that goal, they have asked me to present all 3 topics in one evening.

With the national events (Coronavirus, riots, hurricanes, toppling of statues, Black Lives Matter, Antifascists, etc.) which are taking place, as well as the Presidential election which is set to occur in November, there is very little time left for Christian conservatives to become educated on their unalienable rights and the limited role of government. We need a comprehensive strategy, and that strategy begins with understanding exactly where we are authorized to draw the line on governmental power.
Those of us in Tennessee, and particularly those of us in East Tennessee, need to formulate a plan as to how our state and our communities should react to these events, and this seminar will be an excellent opportunity for us to formulate strategies between and among leaders in various counties. Networking among Christian conservatives will be essential to our success, and this seminar will provide you with the opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals.
The information which I will present will greatly increase your knowledge of the do’s and don’ts of our American system of government, and in the dark days which lie ahead, we will need knowledge, because knowledge is power.
I urge you to make plans to attend.

Jeffrey A. Cobble
1315 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Suite 5
Greeneville, TN 37745
(423) 639-6684

This event is being hosted by ONTRACK FINANCIAL GROUP. Please do not contact Mr. Cobble’s office regarding this event. Feel free to contact his office if you are in need of an attorney consultation for other reasons.


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